For those who were wondering what the boy was up to, check out my FUL ONLINE VIDEO INTERVIEW @ MLMHH.com
Check the interview here: http://mylifemyhiphop.com/?p=1629
Also, I got a quick write up on Radio Unlim-td
so definately check those folks out, they have a very very dope site
It's a quick one but we are in the works of some more things as the summer goes on so stay tuned!
For the write up click here: http://apoetsoul.wordpress.com/2009/05/16/big-ups-florida-edition/
Also, shout out to the kid Nemo! He is a recording artist as well as a hell of a freestyler, and he is constantly showin the boy love so this one is for you

He's got a great site so if you'd like to check him out you can find him here: http://allaboutthefishman.blogspot.com/
Thats it that all. You found me.
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